Uber Eats offers various modes of food delivery for drivers such as by cars, by bicycles, and even on foot. You might have seen many drivers doing Uber Eats via different ways of transportation. This is one of the best hustles out there. You can also make it work for you using a convenient way, according to you.
We will compare Uber Eats Bicycle and Uber Eats Walker, to figure out which is the best mode of delivery. In this article, a comparison will be drawn, point by point, between Uber Eats Bicycle and Uber Eats Walker. At the very last of the article, we will conclude which is a better mode of delivery on the Uber Eats platform.
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Advantages of Uber Eats by Bicycle
There are three pros of doing Uber Eats delivery by bicycle. Let’s look at it and then we will discuss each point in detail.
- Less Tiredness
- High Frequency of Orders/Delivery
- More Delivery Completion
- High Earning Potential
1. Less Tiredness
Of course, riding a bike involves physical power and strength. But, riding a bike is not as tiring as walking constantly. It is more effortless to do Uber Eats delivery by bicycle than by walking.
It gets even crazier when it comes to electric bikes. The electric bike does not put any stress on the body at all. As a result, cyclists can ride an electric bike almost the whole day, every day. It is as easy as doing Uber Eats by car, meaning no tiredness at all. So, if you can afford an electric bike, for 1000$ to 2000$, then absolutely go for it. And if not, then save up money to buy one by doing Uber Eats on a non-electric bicycle or on foot.
2. High Frequency of Order/Delivery
Hustlers who deliver Uber Eats by bicycle get lots of orders compared to Walker. They get a new order before even completing the current order and that happens all the time. There would be no waiting time between the orders. If we get 4 orders for Walker then you would get 10 orders for Bicycle, in the same period of time. Meaning, the high frequency of new getting orders, in the case of Uber Eats by bicycle, is way more compared to Uber Eats Walker. So, that is another beauty of doing Uber Eats via bicycle.
3. More Delivery Completion
Because riding a bicycle does not put more stress on the body, cyclists can ride for more hours and more miles, in turn, can complete more delivery, at a fast pace. On average, a delivery driver can complete two to three deliveries an hour by bicycle. A delivery driver on a non-electric bike can ride for 7 to 8 hours easily, with a normal physique, which is not possible in the case of walking.
If you would have an electric bike then you can ride it for pretty much 10 to 12 hours easily because all the bicycles have a peddle assist feature that helps a battery to last for a long period of time on one charge. Believe me, you would love riding an electric bike for Uber Eats and the price paid will be worth it.
4. High Earning Potential
Everything is connected to each other. Less tiredness and a high frequency of order requests result in the completion of more delivery and that results in high earnings. You can stretch the number of hours of work and make more money because riding a bike is not stressful for the body.
If you do not have Uber Eats Driver Account and do not know the process to make one then you can refer to a guide on Uber Eats Driver Registration Process.
Disadvantages of Uber Eats by Bicycle
1. Initial Investment in Gears
The only disadvantage is Uber Eats food delivery on a bicycle has little initial investment which is not a major con. On top of the insulted bag, you just need a bicycle to get started. A bicycle can be a non-electric or electric bicycle. If you are buying a decent bike then it would cost between 250$ to 2000$.
In my opinion, you should go for the electric bike. Of course, it would cost a little bit more but that would pay off, believe me. You can buy a decent electric bike for 1500$ to 2000$. Along with the cost of a bicycle, you have to pay for maintenance, but that is negligible.
Advantage of Uber Eats Walker
Compared with Uber Eats by bicycle, Uber Eats Walker does not have any significant merits. The only pro that it has over Uber Eats food delivery by bicycle is that it does not have any upfront cost. It requires only an insulated food bag to start delivering food orders. Moreover, you don’t have to pay for a bicycle or any maintenance or repairs.
If do not have money to purchase a bike, then only go for a walker else my advice is to go for Uber Eats by bicycle.
Disadvantages of Uber Eats Walker
It has a couple of demerits. Uber Eats Walker involves constant walking for miles. Each delivery would take up to 20 minutes to half an hour and a person requires enough strength to walk for seven to eight hours. It is really hard to walk eight hours constantly and can’t be done by every single person.
Along with tiredness, it has low delivery request frequency means, mostly, drivers have to wait for 10 minutes and sometimes even 30 minutes to get an order. Therefore, frequency is another factor that affects the delivery completion rate. Overall, it is hard to make more money because of constant walking and the low frequency of deliveries.
Summary – The Winner
After looking at the advantages and disadvantages on both sides, I think Uber Eats by bicycle is way more advantageous than Uber Eats on foot. Uber Eats walker involves a lot of walking and it takes 20 minutes to half hour to complete a delivery whereas the same delivery can be completed with ease by a driver doing Uber Eats by bicycle in 15 to 20 minutes.
Moreover, Uber Eats is cutting down the deliveries for walkers but drivers who are delivering Uber Eats food order by bicycle is getting enough order, one after another immediately. So, the frequency of the delivery order that the driver receives via application is another concern.
Uber Eats by bicycle is the way to go, in my opinion. But you can give a try to both Uber Eats by Bicycle and by Walker and then figure out which one works out best for you. Upon opening an Uber Eats driver account, in the area where the option “Uber Eats Bicycle or Walker” is available, you can switch back and forth and try both.
If you do not have Uber Eats Driver Account then click and refer to this Registration Process Guide.
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